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marcosolo, 18. September 2006 um 18:12:43 MESZ Neues von KSM by Mathais Broeckers Hat der Chimp in Chief sich verplappert? Auf einer Pressekonferenz am 15.9. begründete Bush warum ein bißchen Folter notwendig ist und brachte dazu folgendes Beispiel "For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping." Mastermind KSM hat also seine Leute angewiesen, dass die Sprengstoffe im WTC "hoch genug" explodieren ? Hmmh. Wenn das stimmt wäre das, abgesehen von illegalen Verhörmethoden, natürlich ein plausbiler Grund, warum KSM als Kronzeuge nur in den Folterkammern der CIA nicht aber in Gerichtssälen auftreten darf: eine solche Aussage gefährdete in der Tat die "nationale Sicherheit". P.S.: Jeff Wells vermutet meines Erachtens richtig, dass dies genausowenig ein zufälliger Versprecher war wie seinerzeit Rumsfelds "Ausrutscher" dass eine "missile " das Pentagon getroffen habe - und es darum geht, die Skeptiker auf einen roten Hering zu locken, also über WTC-Crash und Pentagon-Loch zu diskutieren statt über die halb-fiktiven "Hijacker" und ihre Phantom-Masterminds KSM und OBL: "So why would he be given such lines, which could so easily be construed by 9/11 skeptics as an inadvertant admission of controlled demolition? Perhaps because, as I believe was Rumsfeld's intention when he "misspoke" of a "missile" striking the Pentagon the very week Thierry Meyssan launched his "no plane" website, that's precisely where they want our attention, whether or not demolition is a fact. (And it will only be our attention, as the corporate press either don't have the ears or the stomach for it.) So here's the scene: the White House invoking invisible man Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to excite our imagination with an oddly-worded statement strongly suggestive of demolition, when our attention would be better rewarded by considering Khalid himself, his service to the ISI and the ISI's service to US intelligence." |
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