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marcosolo, 27. Oktober 2007 um 16:40:32 MESZ CS US-Geschäft bei UBS? Behind the scenes, elements of civil war are becoming evident within the White House. On the eve of the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings at the end of October 2007, Dick Cheney attempted to steal $45 billion from George Bush Jnr. A long-serving banker of Pakistani origin based at the New York office of Credit Suisse diverted $45 billion for a secret personal account held by Halliburton in Dubai for Vice President Richard B Cheney. The $45 billion represented stolen money held in trust for the President of the United States, George Bush Jnr. This illegal transaction was frustrated by a covert fail-safe mechanism. The Credit Suisse banker was arrested and shortly afterwards, under interrogation, suffered a mysterious heart attack. At about 2.30pm Eastern Daylight Time on Friday 19th October 2007, Credit Suisse domestic banking in the USA collapsed and was taken over by UBS. This story has yet to be covered by the mainline media in the USA. More details here, here and here. ms:Hoffentlich stimmt das alles nicht, da dies meines Erachtens das Dümmste wäre, das man bei der UBS machen könnte. Wie jemand, der einem Ertrinkenden helfen will und auch untergehen wird... |
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