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Schuhbomber 2.0

by Mathias Broeckers

Wenn es einen Preis für den mutigsten Journalisten 2008 gibt, der bisher unbenamte Kollege, der US-Präsident Bush bei seinem Blitzbesuch in Bagdad mit seinem Schuh bewarf, müßte zweifellos nominiert werden. Aber ach, wir ahnen schon, was demnächst - "Schuhe aus!"- auf Pressekonferenzen blüht: dass die Mächtigen nicht mehr nur mit Samthandschuhen angefaßt werden, sondern auch nur noch von absoluten Leisetretern.Zum Werfen bleiben dann nur noch Stinksocken...


Der mutige Journalist heißt Muntazer al-Zaidi, mittlerweile demonstrierten in Bagdad Tausende für seine Freilassung: "Thousands of Iraqis have demonstrated in Baghdad’s Sadr City in support of a journalist being held in custody after throwing his shoes at George Bush, the US president. Muntazer al-Zaidi was detained for what the Iraqi government on Monday said was a “barbaric and ignominious act” during a news conference the previous day. The outgoing US leader, who was making a surprise visit to Baghdad, had just told reporters that while the war in Iraq was not over “it is decisively on its way to being won,” when al-Zeidi got to his feet and hurled abuse - and his footwear - at Bush. Bush, who had been giving a joint press statement with Nuri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, ducked behind a podium as the shoes narrowly missed his head.

“Millions of Iraqis or rather millions of the people of the world wish to do what Muntadhar did,” Uday al-Zeidi, Mundathar’s brother, said on Monday.

“Thank God he had the guts to do it and avenge the Iraqi people and the country from those who plunder it and have killed its people.”

Al-Baghdadiya television, his employer, has demanded his release after Yasin Majeed, the prime minister’s media adviser, said al-Zeidi would be tried on charges of insulting the state.

An Iraqi lawyer told the AFP news agency that Zeidi risked a miminum of two years in prison if he is prosecuted for insulting a visiting head of state."

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