marcosolo webradio Tages-Anzeiger(deutsch) michael moore
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Mastermind of 9/11 questions to 9-11 my own
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the world according to marcosolo

shame on you, mass-media around the world....

"The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." --Article II, Section 4 United States Constitution

play Imbalance of Powers: The Executive Branch Attack on the Constitution Recorded: 11/06/2002 at: San Francisco Bay Area </a href>

"Until today, there has been no independent press in worldhistory. You know it and I know it. There is not even one person of you who dares writing his honest thoughts. And if one does write his honest thoughts one knowes in advance that it will be never published. I am paid every week to keep my honest thoughts and conclusions out of the newspaper I am working for. Others of you are paid similarly for similar things and each of you who would be stupid enough to write his honest thoughts would be fired and would have to look for a new job. If I would ever publish my honest thoughts in an edition of my newspaper I would be rid of my job within 24 hours. It is the business of journalism to destroy the truth, to lie at any time, to pervert, to slander, to leek the feet of it's mammon and to sell the country for the daily bread. You know it and I know how crazy it is to cheer on an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scene. We are the puppets they pull stripping and we keep dancing. Our talents, our capabilities and our life are property of other human being. We are all intellectual prostitutes."

(translated back from German by my own, John must have said it much more precise in English)

John Swintons statement as the head editor of the New York Times, in front of the elegantly pressclub did not happen after the events of 911 - it originates 1880 - but it may never have been more actual than today.

Let's try to smuggle the petition to the senate into any kind of massmedia, because there are too many people out there believing only things coming through these channels....

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